There exist so few spaces wherein people can bring their soul into speech and know it’s safe to do so. When people speak about things of faith and spirituality, the safe spaces are even fewer. Spiritual direction provides one such space, holding doors wide open for one to name and question and wonder and reject and embrace everything.
Spiritual direction is an ancient practice of joining others in their exploration of the Divine in their lives and in the world. As a certified spiritual director, Mallory comes alongside another as they seek to discern the ways God—however they define that—might be moving in a particular season. This practice leads to an increased awareness of God’s presence and of self-understanding, an expanding sense of self and of the Divine. Sometimes folks pursue spiritual direction as they face a difficult or weighty decision in their lives, seeking to move with wisdom and care. Others come because their experience and perception of the Divine is changing, and they simply need a safe companion to accompany them as they navigate this. No matter what leads one to spiritual direction, they are met with love and curiosity and kindness as together Mallory and her directees explore the Mystery of God and of the human spirit.